The Turkey Trot

Race Date: Thanksgiving Morning, Every year Race Location: Dubuque, Iowa Race distance: 2.5 or 5 miles Race Website: The crowd of about 1500 people. (Yes the guys in the front are wearing speedos) This year was the 42nd year that this race has gone on in Dubuque. This was my second time running this race. Last year, 2013, the directors changed the route that was ran, cutting their costs quite a bit. The turkey trot is a great race in Dubuque, being one of the oldest races, however this new route is rough. For those who know Dubuque, Iowa, you know that it is a very hilly location and finding a flat area of ground can be quite a search. With that being said, this route is a rough route. The race is a 2.5 mile loop that is done either once for the 2.5 mile race or twice, for the 5 mile race. The route starts fairly okay, being downhill for almost all of the first mile, then flattens out. The last mile is uphill. Now ...