I Had My Toenail Cut To Bits!

If you follow my facebook page for my blog, you would have seen the wonderful image of the giant wrap I had on my toe after I had the doctors remove most of my toenail. Well, if you haven’t seen the picture yet, here it is. Now you might be wondering, howd it go? Was it painful? How was recovery? Anything you can say for those who are about to go through the same procedure? Give me just a minute and I will explain everything. So let me share some back story for those who don’t know me well enough to know everything about my toes. I have thumb-like big toes. They are pudgy and round, and most the time, red and swollen. I used to think that the red and swollen aspect was a normal thing for feet, as that was how things have always been with my toes since I can remember (its not). So anyway, I get ingrown toenails frequently. Im talking like one every couple months or so, at least 3-4 times a year. Usually, when I get them, I soak the toe, use some hydrogen peroxide, and smother...