Life of a Runner: Lenora Kemp

Here is the portion of my blog where I feature different runners and their thoughts on a few different ideas. I hope that all of you enjoy reading and learning about different runners as much as I do. If you would like to be featured as a runner, send me an email! I would be more than happy to feature any runner who contacts me!

Life of a Runner: Lenora Kemp, 39
My mother, a runner from Iowa.

Running in the Dubuque Benefit Classic

How long have you been running for?
2 years, (too long)

What shoes are you currently running in?
Comfortable ones :)
She's actually running in the Nike Vomero 9.

Are you currently training for anything at the moment?
Yes, the Twin Cities Marathon on October 4th!

What would you say is your favorite race that you have done so far?
The Gopher to Badger half marathon, it was a nice course and I was able to run it with my daughter Kelsey. I also had several family members watching which really helps me keep up the energy I need. 

If you could do a race anywhere in the world, where would you choose to run?
I would like to run anywhere scenic, with my daughters and having my family watching me. I enjoy listening to the world around me when I run!

Finish this sentence: I run because _____.
I am crazy and I have a daughter who pushes me. 

What keeps you running?
I am in the best shape when I run and it is "my" time to think and clear my head.

What is your favorite season to run in and why?
Spring and Fall, not too hot and not too cold.

Is there a specific goal that you have for running, if so, what is it?
I would love to be able to run a consistent pace for a half marathon of under 2 hours. 

What is your favorite post-race food?
Ice cream :) It cools you off and it is so yummy!

After the Monster Dash Half marathon with her other daughter and her 2 friends.


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