Life of a Runner: Sharon Klein

Here is the portion of my blog where I feature different runners and their thoughts on a few different ideas. I hope that all of you enjoy reading and learning about different runners as much as I do. If you would like to be featured as a runner, send me an email! I would be more than happy to feature any runner who contacts me!

Life of a Runner: Sharon Klein, 48
High school running coach from Iowa.

Sharon (left) running the Triple D Half Marathon

What is your running history like? How long have you been at it?
I've been running since 7th grade - 36 years - ran through both pregnancies and the longest running break is 2-3 weeks each year. I ran 1,195 miles last year.

What shoes are you using right now?
My shoes are a Brooks trail shoe (PureGrit) and a Saucony (Hurricane)
(I remembered your shoes for you)

Are you currently training for anything right now?
I am currently trying to get back to my usual training of 6 days a week - dealing with some hip flexor problems - otherwise, the Gaelic Gallop in Dyersville, Iowa on March 14th

What would you say is your most favorite race that you have done?
They all are, but to pick one, would be the Bix 7 in Davenport, Iowa. A college teammate introduced me to the Bix and I've done it every year but one since 1987.

What is the most interesting thing that has ever happened to you on a run?
Lots of stuff, but the one that stands out is the day one of my runners drove at us on the Heritage Trail because her GPS told her to drive on it when she was late for practice.

If you could choose to run a race anywhere in the world, where would you choose to go?
I would love to go back to Denmark to run. I was an exchange student in high school and it was a beautiful country.

Why did you first get started running?
I started running for 7th grade track because I had gone out for all the sports but it was that first day of track and having to run to the high school and back. I got back before everyone else, boys and girls, and I thought I had done or gone the wrong way, but the coach looked at me and said, "You're a runner". I fell in love that moment with running.

What keeps you going?
The XC and track ladies, the alumni who still want to run with me, and I just need to run for me.

What piece of advice would you offer to other runners out there?
Just keep running and enjoy the journey. 

Do you have any embarrassing running stories?
Hmmm....I dont know if I have any. I did have to wear pink spandex over my capris and run on Pennsylvania Ave. when I bet my 4x8 to break 10 mins. 

As a coach, what is the best thing that your athletes can do for both themselves or their team?
Be coachable. Train in the off-season and think about how you want to be remembered after you graduate and leave your teammates. 


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