From Nothing to Something: The Couch to 5k Program

Hello to all you "newbies"! Do not take offence to that. We were all new to running at one point or another. I am actually really pumped that you have decided to take on the challenge of running and train for a 5k. This is awesome! So for you, I thought I would offer some great pieces of advice for you and some valuable tools that will help you along your way.  

So first things first, some advice to live by.

Listen to your body. Your body will tell you all you need to know. "Hey, youve ran too far" "This is a comfortable pace" "Its time for some new shoes" are all things that your feet, knees, back, and rest of your person will tell you as you run and train. 

Having a training plan will aid and help you ease your way into a 5k. You do not want to rush into things, as this can lead to injuries, so a training plan will slowly get to you up to speed. 

Join a group! Talk to local running shops and see if they know any groups to join. Running with others will make things so much easier. Really it will. Others will push you and encourage you to reach your goals. Also, having something that you commit yourself to will make you feel like you have to run.

Stretch. One of the best things you can do for your body is stretch before and after running. This can help your body just feel better overall and may help prevent injuries.

Keep in mind that you may not be the fastest or the best person out there, not many people are! You are out there running, something so many others are not doing or even have the ability to do. Be thankful that you can do what you are doing and believe in yourself. You will get better over time, and things will get easier.

Last thing to remember, running is not a pain free sport. It really isnt. Your body is going to hurt in ways that you never knew you could feel. You may feel achy or tender, but it will go away with more training.

Some things that will help you through your training:

A good pair of shoes. If your feet are happy, you will be too. Good shoes will make your feet happy. Also, you want to make sure that your shoes are properly fit to your feet. An incorrect fit can lead to other problems that you will not want. 

A running buddy. Especially if this is your first time running, you are going to want someone to run by your side and encourage you through everything.

Running clothes. Tshirts and running shorts is a good option, some people even prefer the dri-fit tops and fancier bottoms, but try different things out and see what you like and what you dont. 

A watch. For a 5k, having a watch that has a timer on it can be a great option to figure out your pace and everything. A gps watch will help with distances, but can be a costly option if you just want to have a timer.

A race. Again, having to commit to something will encourage you to continue your training on schedule. Pick a local race, as you may know a lot of people around you. 

A good attitude. Running sucks. We all know that. Runners have this love-hate relationship with running. If you have a grumpy attitude about what you are about to do, it wont be an easy journey. 

On a final note...
Have fun. Some days it will be tough, but keep your chin up. Things will get easier and you will get stronger, both mentally and physically. 


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