Life of a Runner: Hunter Schmitt

Here is the portion of my blog where I feature different runners and their thoughts on a few different ideas. I hope that all of you enjoy reading and learning about different runners as much as I do. If you would like to be featured as a runner, send me an email! I would be more than happy to feature any runner who contacts me!

Life of a Runner: Hunter Schmitt, 21
Runner from Iowa

How long have you been running for?
I have been running for a total of 12 years. I started running in 5th grade because I got beat by a girl in the 1/2 mile run actually. She kept rubbing it in my face that she had won so I started running every day at recess (I did eventually beat her.) I really didn't start to get into competitive running until I got to 7th grade in which I did middle school track and then did cross country and track all 4 years at Hempstead High School. I went on to go participate in Collegiate cross country at Clarke University and Loras College for one season each. Following Loras I went to train on my own and turned to distance road running.

What shoes are you currently using right now?
I'm currently running in the Brooks Transcend 2. I used to be a hardcore Saucony guy and had run in the Kinvara shoes since they debuted but due to a bout with tarsal tunnel I was forced to switch brands.

Are you training for anything at the moment?
As of right now I'm trying to get ready for the Grandview Gallop. I dropped a decent time last year and would really like to get down to the 21's for that race. I'm currently living in two separate cities and trying to fit training in while balancing work and spending time with the fiancé. So far I'm staying fit! Just gotta stay motivated and budget the time well.

What would you say is your favorite race that you have ever done?
My most favorite race I've ever run is MVC Divisional at the Soccer Complex my junior year of high school. That year it rained, and I kid you not, every single Thursday. So by the time conference divisional came around the ground was super saturated. There were 6 total races that day and the Varsity guys ran last and by the time we took the course there was absolutely no grass left period. I was drenched in mud from head to toe. Ran my slowest time all year but it was literally the definition of "cross country".

What is the most interesting thing that has ever happened to you on a run?
Haha there are WAY too many stories to count. However there are a few ones that do stick out in my mind. There was one time that me and my buddy were out running in the Mines of Spain here in Dubuque, Iowa. It was a really hot day, high 80's, clear sky, ungodly humidity, and we were out running through run of the prairies and encountered a nude guy out strolling in the woods, totally butt naked. We booked it the other way. Another run that I'll always remember was in high school we got caught out in a storm out at the Soccer Complex and the skies quickly blackened and the temperature dropped 10-15 degrees in what felt like seconds. It rained so hard I could barely see 20 feet in front of me. We were doing 400 repeats at that time and I've never had a more epic workout like that. The fields were soaked, the parking lot was a river. That was 7 years ago and I still remember it like it was yesterday.

What is your favorite post-run food?
This has actually changed over the years! It used to be 1-2 boxes of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese with chia seeds added. However my fiancee has got me hooked on her parmesan chicken lately. She usually cooks me 5 big chicken strips and then i'll down a box of penne noodles with tons of red marinara sauce. Totally delicious.

Who would you say inspires you the most?
Probably Phil Coppess. He was a super impressive runner from Clinton, IA in the 1980's. The guy raised 3 kids by himself and trained 80-100 miles per week all while working a full time blue collar job. He's still got records that stand across the country and his record for the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon of 2:10:05 set over 30 years ago still stands today. He's a come from no where guy who ran fast and in my belief, shows you anything is possible if you believe and put in the work.

Long or short distance, and why?
Long. Long. Long. The shorter I go, the slower I go. In my opinion at least! i was never any good at distances under 10,000 meters. 10k and up is where I live. I'm a distance locomotive. It takes me a bit to get going but let me go on a 15-20 mile run and I'll be begging for more afterwards. My plan is to run Marathons till about 35 or so and then just stick to the 5 and 10k so I can send more time with my family and kids (eventually) and not have to worry so much about trying to get runs in.

What is your biggest running pet-peeve?
I would say for me, my biggest running pet peeve is people running with head phones outside. I know a lot of people listen to music but on a crowded sidewalk it gets really hard to maneuver around people who have got their music up so loudly that they don't pay attention to their surroundings.

Do you have any races coming up in the next couple months? If so, what are they?
I do actually! I have the Gaelic Gallop 8k this Saturday in Dyersville, IA. The Iowa River Run 10k in Iowa City, IA on April 26th and then the MVRA Heritage Trail 10k in Durango, IA on Mother's Day weekend.


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