An Update On Things 4/22

Hey Everyone!

So an update on things. I know I usually do these updates on Mondays, however, my life is so jam-packed right now, that I am going to do things as I find time for them.

So this past weekend, we had quite a few wonderful local races, and I hope that all of you were able to take advantage of them and run or volunteer at one! As for this upcoming weekend, the list of races are as follows. NICC Student Veteran Spring Sprint 5k, Dubuque Diabetes Dash 5k, Spring Chaser 5k, Bishop Hill 5K Swedish Stomp & Skamparoo, Growl Prowl, Iowa Walk For Epilepsy & 5k, The Color Dash 5k, Foamy Fun 5k, Y2Y Time Prediction Race, River Run 5k/10k, and Hyvee Road Races at the Drake Relays. I will be in attendance at the Y2Y, so maybe I will see some of you there!

Keep an eye out for a new "Check This Race Out!" post, as there is a new one coming each week. I will be updating the race calendar as I find out about other races coming up, or as you share them with me, and with results from previous races. If you know of results that I cannot find, please let me know. It would mean a lot to get them. Also I will be doing a review of Y2Y early next week, so keep an eye out for that as well.

Well thats all for this week! Hope to see some of you on Sunday! P.S. My bib will be labeled with "KEMP" so keep an eye out for me ;)


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