Check Out This Race: The Growl Prowl

This year marks the 7th annual Growl Prowl 5k/ 8k for the Linn-Mar school district.

This fairly flat race is one that benefits the local community and provides the basic needs for living and learning that a growing number of Linn-Mar children lack.

Last year, the turnout was a huge success! They had over 1,500 runners and walkers participate and raised nearly $40,000 for the students and schools.

Why should you participate in this race? I know there are not the colorful miles or obstacles every 20 feet, but listen.

We all have been in school at some point or another. I am sure you remember having to buy the tons of supplies that every year required, and for some of us, we remember how difficult it was to afford the simplest forms of supplies. This race goes straight back to the community, and benefits schools in their purchase of school supplies and assisting students who really need these funds.

Another reason is because of how cool the awards of. Overall and age group winners receive landscape rocks with a paw print and their age category on it. What other race provides awards that are as neat as these?? Some of you may think, "Well I have no chance of winning..." Don't give up on yourself yet! Who knows, you may be the only person in your age group who shows up! (I hope not, because I hope they beat the participation of last year!) But you have just a good of a chance as anyone!

Last thing, honestly this is a really good race for anyone. Like I said, this is one of those races that benefits a very large community directly. When you can see where your participation fee goes to, what other reason do you need to sign up for a race? Also, an 8k is an interesting distance that many people do not see a whole lot besides male collegiate cross country runners.

Date: April 25th

Cost: $25 to general public, $20 to current Linn-Mar students. Includes t-shirt.

Benefits Linn-Mar community schools.


Final Word: Honestly, why would you not want to come out, participate in a wonderful event that benefits the local community, and also is a flat and fast course? I encourage all that can to participate!


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