Check out This Race: Y2Y

One of the upcoming races this spring in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is the new Y2Y time prediction race. This race is taking the spot of the old time prediction race, Mall to Mall. The new race will start at the YMCA on Council st, and head down towards the downtown YMCA, thus the Y to Y. The reasoning for the switch from malls to the YMCAs is because there is no Westdale mall anymore.

The course, although stretching for 8 miles, is fairly flat. When you start on council st, you immediately turn towards the Cedar Valley Nature Trail and follow it to the downtown Y. The trail is a paved trail that does have some coverage from the trees and nature around it. There is a portion where you do divert off the trail and add a mile or two in, but that area is fairly flat yet again.

For those who are unfamiliar with the idea of a time prediction race, let me explain it to you. A time prediction race is when you sign up or register for the race, you must predict how fast you run it. For the Y2Y, you must take into account having to stop for traffic, street crossing, etc.. These things can slow you down some.

The winner of the race is not who finishes first, it is who finishes as close to their predicted time. You could walk the race and predict that it will take you 4 hours, and as long as you are close to your predicted time, you will win.

Also in order to compete, you cannot have any sort of timing equipment on you. That includes watches and GPS watches, phones, and Ipods.

This year, in order to allow for more race participants to be at the finish line around the same time, the race will have a staggered start. 7:30 is when the first wave of participants will start. This includes anyone who is predicting a time in excess of 1 hour and 45 mins. 8:15 is when people predicting less than 1 hour and 45 mins will start.

On a last note, this is a great race to elevate your racing or even start your season off with. It is a fairly flat race, there is a shuttle service from the finish to the start, and it is a an easy course to follow. The time prediction race allows for a different type of racing experience.

Date: April 26th

Cost: $30, no shirt is guaranteed at this point, post race snacks provided.


My final note: I have done Mall to Mall before and I really enjoyed it. I wrote a post about it, sharing my enthusiasm for the fun, unique event. I know it is a long race, but it definitely is a lot of fun. I encourage anyone to sign up for it.


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