
So I mentioned earlier in one of my updates that I am planning on doing a giveaway for my followers! Here I am to announce that the first giveaway is about to commence. The drawing will take place on May 31st, at noon, and the winner will be chosen from my followers list.

"Now how do you go about becoming on the list?" See the box in the lefthand column that says: "Stay updated on my posts!"? All that you have to do is put your email address in the box and hit submit! You will get an email that confirms your subscription, and follow the steps there! Boom! You have been registered to earn a spot in the giveaway!

"What will I be winning?" You will earn a gift of running supplies! A waterbottle, a pair of socks, body glide, and some nutritional supplies. Definately some things that any runner could use! And in total, around $40, worth of gear.

So sign up! Encourage your friends to sign up as well, and I will share the winner on May 31st! The contest is for any U.S. Resident

(Also, follow me on Twitter at @theracingcritc or on Facebook, I will be doing other contests and giveaways throughout the summer!)


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