Life of a Runner: Allison Rogers

Here is the portion of my blog where I feature different runners and their thoughts on a few different ideas. I hope that all of you enjoy reading and learning about different runners as much as I do. If you would like to be featured as a runner, send me an email! I would be more than happy to feature any runner who contacts me!

Life of a Runner: Allison Rogers, 21

Allison Rogers, left, finishes her race strong.

What is your running history like? How long have you been at it?
 I started running when I was 14. It was my sophomore year of high school and my dad convinced me to go out for cross country at my new school. I come from a long line of distance runners on my dad's side so it seemed natural.

What shoes are you using right now?
I'm currently alternating between a pair of Saucony Guides and Brooks Ravennas.

Are you currently training for anything right now?
I typically run 3,000 and 5,000 meters during the indoor track season, but the long term goal is the 10,000 meters at the conference championships. I plan on breaking 45 this year.

What is the most interesting thing that has happened to you on a run?
While out on a summer run with our erstwhile coach Hannah Weiss we stumbled upon an abandoned Lord of the Rings Monopoly set on Wilson Rd. We promptly looted it for all the game pieces which were little statues of the characters from the books. Then we posted a picture of them on Facebook and dubbed it "The One Run to Rule Them All." That was one of the last times I ran with coach Weiss as she accepted another coaching job and moved away shortly after. I still have the game pieces on my desk.

What is your favorite post-run food?
Waffles and chocolate milk.

Is there a specific race that you eventually hope to run in?
I'd really like to run Grandma's Marathon in Duluth, Minnesota, but before I do that I hope to run in one more Regional Cross Country Championships my senior year.

Finish this sentence: I run because ______.
It's difficult. Running is not something that comes naturally to me. I have zero talent at it and spent many years at the back of the pack, but I kept at it because it's always a challenge. No matter how good you get running is always going to be hard and you are always going to get better, but only if you work. The sport of distance running is really one of the only places in which there is a lot of upward mobility and where you can see your hard work and dedication truly pay off, but it doesn't reward laziness either.

Who would you say inspires you the most?
I'd love to say Grete Weitz because she was one of the greatest female distance runners of all time and just a down right great lady, but honestly it's probably my dad. He is the hardest worker and most knowledgeable trainer I've ever known. He taught me that you can't just go out and run, but that every workout must have a purpose. And he's only ever missed two races out of my entire career.

What piece of advice would you offer to new runners?
Stick with it. It's going to be hard and you're going to want to quit, but if you stick with it you will see results. 


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