Something I Wanted to Share With Everyone.

Hello everyone.

This post is going to be different than my normal posts, as there has been something that has been on my mind since this weekend. With this month being the largest month for marathons in the USA, I was able to  witness my mother run her very first one during the TC Marathon in the Twin Cities. Being on the spectator side of a race for the first time in a long time, I keep thinking about how awesome our sport of running is. So many people did something that, to most people, is physically insane.

I told my mom before her race that running for 5 hours is completely ridiculous as I could drive over 250 miles in that time period. Now keep in mind, I am a half marathon nut and anything longer scares me. But it was so awesome seeing all the people running this race though. I have not been on the cheering section side of a race in a long time, with the last one being a 5k. It was so amazing seeing people push one another and helping each other work towards a common goal. Also, seeing the same runners over and over again, every so many miles, and seeing them still grinning at mile 22, made me feel happy myself (don't get me wrong, I wanted to ask how they still had the big smile on their face that late in the game).

Running is such an amazing sport. So many crazy people all accomplishing something that they want to do with the support of many other crazy people, (whether they be strangers or not). I love seeing how we all work together, and even the spectators are truly there for everyone (I really want to believe that my signs were the most encouraging and helpful to the racers on Sunday). Running has made me appreciate all that we have around us and thankful for all the wonderful companions that I have made through this great sport. Thank you to all you other runners and supporters who make this sport as great as it is.

That is all for now folks, thanks for letting me get that off my mind.

ps. for all of you who want to see the wonderful posters we had, here you are:


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