Am I runner?

Something I hear very often is: "Oh, you know, I'm not a runner" or "I only run some times, I am not a runner." It makes me think. What really constitutes a runner versus not a runner? I made a list of some of the qualities that I think a runner has.

  1. A runner is someone who runs because it is what their gut is telling them to do. Yes, everyone who has ever went on a run, knows how much it sucks most of the time. But when you are able to get yourself off the couch and go for a run because in your head, you hear, "go for a run" or "you should run," you are a runner. Whether there be motivation, like getting in shape, or not, you just do it without questioning it. Yes, you may moan and groan and question "why the hell am I doing this to myself," but you still go and do it no matter the speed. 
  2. A runner is someone who realizes that beauty is not rule of the sport. Runners are people who will go out and run, whether that be the middle of the winter or the dead of summer or even on the treadmill and not care too much about what most people are thinking of them. Yes, there are those times when prior to a run, you try to match your outfit to perfection, but when you sweat your way through those clothes and end up with the "rorschach-esque" design on your back, butt, boobs, or wherever, you dont blink an eye. I will admit, I sometimes care a little about what I look like when I am running, but after looking through race photos of me, I will admit that I typically look like I am about to pass gas or kill over, and who cares. "Those who mind don't matter, those who matter don't mind."
  3. A runner is someone who will go through hell to do what they set out to do. Once you start, you don't stop until you're finished, and you'll do whatever you can do to finish your goal. You'll run through the darkest nights and the craziest of weather to do what you need to do. This even includes when you run on the dreadmill because you want to avoid the weather. You just do it (please don't sue me Nike).
  4. A runner is someone who will push others to achieve their goals. Now, I am not saying that the only runners are coaches, but all runners will support others, say you're running against another in a race. Whether that be a 5k, half, or an ultra, a runner will be someone who says "good job" or "way to go" or maybe even start a conversation with this person. You encourage or push others throughout the race, and even when you're done, you might possibly cheer on other runners. A runner does not beat down someone else because they're trying or not as good as the next guy. 
  5. A runner is someone who knows that they have their limits. You are not a "god." A runner knows when to say enough is enough, or can tell when its maybe time to take it easy or push it harder. You are the master of your body and can read it better than anybody else. You know when an injury is an injury and when pain is pain.  
  6. A runner is someone who runs. Doesn't matter how fast, or how slow. If you run, you are a runner. No ifs ands or buts. If you run a 20 minute pace or a 5 minute pace. You are still running. 
That's my list. What do you think? Would there be anything that you would add?



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