Another update on the legs!

So since my last update a lot of things have happened. My legs are no longer super purple, more green/brownish, I have had my first post-op appointment, and I have somewhat of a plan of my next steps. My legs are feeling quite a bit better, I have taken off the steri-strips from my incisions, which makes my legs feel less constricted and less like something is pulling off my legs. I can walk easier, and a lot of the swelling has gone down. As you can see from the pictures, there is not much purple and pink remaining anymore, more brown and greens and yellows left around the wounds. I do love how the area around the cuts is white. So what happened at my post-op appointment? Well, I will first let you know that I have one of the most "straight-to-the-point" kind of doctors. My visit lasted a whopping 10 minutes, if even that. He walked in the room, asked to look at my legs, I told him to mind how hairy they are (as I am afraid to get too close to them/I dont have the best ...