First Few Days Post-op

I told you all that I would keep you updated on how my recovery is going. Let me tell you the truth. So the worst part of this whole thing is that I feel like I am growing into the couch. Being sedentary is not something that I enjoy to do. Yes, I can move around some, but the more I move around, the stiffer and more uncomfortable I tend to feel the next day. So, to combat this, I sit on the couch, watch some netflix, prop my legs and knees up, and make sure to ice for a half hour every hour. My days are typically the same. I do try to vary what chair or portion of the couch that I sit in, so I literally do not grow into the couch like this guy.

So the first day back, or 7 hours, were pretty easy. This might have been because I was still coming off a pain-med & anesthesia high. I woke up after the hospital and was so nauseous...(keep in mind that next time I have to go under to ask for more meds...) so they pumped me full of other drugs to help, and I slept the whole way home. I was feeling pretty good that day. Very little pain. I was shocked to find, however, that I could move around quite a bit. I ended up finding some crutches and barely used them.

The next day was the same in a sense. I walked more, watched more Grey's Anatomy, iced more, and tried to get some things done. Walking seemed easier. I found that I could only stand for so long. The morning process was tough, I had to stand to get dressed, brush my teeth, and in a sense, towel myself off...(Sorry, I know that it might be too much information, but for those who might have to go through this later, you do not get to shower until your bandages come off. For me, that was 48 hours after the surgery. Prepare to find other methods to try to get yourself unstinky). While I was trying to do all of these things completed, my legs would start to feel tired and weak, so I found myself sitting on the toilet to brush my teeth and my hair to help me feel better.

The next day was interesting. I got to take my bandages off! Woohoo! I could tell that my legs were purple before I took the bandages off, but I didn't realize how purple they were. My friend came over and helped me take them off, and as soon as my legs were exposed, I got to see all the beautiful colors. Black, purple,
green, yellow, blue, and red. I thought they were beautiful. I look so bad-ass. Sorry, I had to say it. I feel like I got is some amazing fight and I kicked ass. But really, all that happened was that I got a couple incisions and a tube was stuck inside of me to open my fascia.

So yeah, these first few days were a wild ride, but I'm not doing all that bad! I have my post-op appointment on the 23rd, and we will find out what the doctor says. I will be sharing more pictures on the facebook page as the colors progress, you can find that page here. Stay tuned!


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