The progression of my legs. There is an order to this from 1,
meaning most recent to 5 meaning oldest, (top right 1,
bottom right 2, bottom left (3 images) 3, right center 4, and
top left (2 images) 5) |
Hey everyone! Back for another update! So my wounds are healing up very nicely. They itch like none other though. There are some mornings that I wake up and it feels like I have a giant bug bite (or two) on each leg. They sting every so often as well, but that is manageable.
My day now looks along the lines of this: Wake up, put neosporin (or the generic crap) on my incisions, elevate and ice, take ice packs off and walk a little, elevate, walk around some more, ice and elevation again, reapply neosporin, go for a mile long walk, ice and elevate, more elevating, pain pills, bed and elevation.
June 3rd mile walk/run |
I have started to walk more and more. I mean, I am now hitting my garmin goals for the day, which makes me feel pretty good (I still haven't turned the laziness alert back on, just because I am not in the mood right now to be told when I have to get up and walk around. Sometimes the legs don't agree when the watch says "Move!"). Also, today, during my walk, I added some light jogging in. I know that I haven't gone back to the doctor to get the 100% "okay" yet, but I have been feeling really good, and plus, the total bit of the jogging only totaled about 100m, which isn't all that much. I did 4 laps around the 400m track, each time having a 25m jog, if you can even call it that. It was more along the lines of bouncing while walking, just a little faster.
This is only a portion of my large wall. |
On a side note, I have been reminiscing today. As me and my fiance are still settling into our apartment, we have been trying to decorate here and there, as our walls are as boring as can be. So, on my wall of our bedroom, I hung up all of my race bibs. It was awesome to look back and think about all the different races that I have done and all that I have accomplished as a runner. I definitely need some more so hurry up and heal legs...Any suggestions on 5ks in NE Iowa, SW Wisconsin, or NW Illinois would be greatly appreciated. Also, I was also reminded today that I ran my first half four years ago today (thanks timehop). That was the start to the crazy ride that I am on today.
Me after my first half. |
I think that is all that I have for you today. I will be posting a piece about my new watch, as I now have been able to use it for a while, and next weekish will be the July calendar, so stay tuned!
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