One more update!
I have another for everyone! So yesterday was my last doctors appointment! (Well at least for my legs). If I haven't said it before, my doctor is someone who makes his appointments short, sweet, and to the point. Sometimes that is not a bad thing, but sometimes it sucks to drive a little over an hour to have a short, less than 5 minute meeting with him to discuss things. Well anyway, I get there and he takes a look at my scars, (which are a tad red from a sunburn), says they are healing well, checks my strength in my feet and ankles, says that the strength is good, then asks what I have been doing as far as activities. (Just to catch you up on things, I wasnt really supposed to do much until I went to this appointment...oops.)
I was honest with him. I told him that I have been trying to walk a lot, taking it easy on days that I am more sore than others, and jogging a little, increasing the distance as things feel good. He told me that what I am doing is good, however I dont want to overdo things. I need to also look into biking/elipticaling to mix in and do as little running right now as not to rush things. I am going to try to run maybe twice a week, right now, that "run" will be around .25-.5 mile run with a lot of walking to not push myself too hard. Depending how I start feeling, I will increase the mileage or the amount of times I run in a week, as I am trying to train for a half on November 6th. I still have 5 months, and I should be able to get my body back up to the full 13 miles, if not more.
I will keep everyone updated as to how I am progressing and transitioning back to running, I promise. I will have more pictures and day-to-day running updates on both my facebook page and twitter, which you should check out!
Until then, see ya.
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